My Fessy
First Grade Students Publish eBook on Friendship

What does friendship mean to first grade students at The Fessenden School? They tell you in their recently published eBook. As a way to explore the true meaning of friendship—September’s word of the month—first grade teachers Rita Edelman and Nicole Biondo teamed up to launch a project that combined English, art, technology, and character education, to create a colorful book of words and pictures.

First, each child wrote a sentence that expressed his definition of friendship. Then, he used Drawing Pad to illustrate his idea using at least five colors and five details. Next, students added text by typing their sentences, paying careful attention to capitalization, punctuation, and spacing between words. Finally, students’ pages were compiled into a single book using Book Creator, which allowed each student to read and record his sentence. The book can be viewed as a movie here.

While “friendship” was the school-wide word of the month, Rita Edelman noted that “it’s an ongoing initiative for the whole school year in 1E.” This month, students are in the process of creating a follow-up book that will illustrate what might happen when someone is not a good friend. Rita added, “Friendship will remain the word of the day throughout the entire year.”
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Laura Salafia
10/28/2014 8:01 AM
What a wonderful project! So impressed with the boys' work! Thank you Ms. Biondo and Ms. Edelman!
Martha McKay
10/8/2014 7:16 PM
This is so wonderful - thank you Ms. Edelman and Ms. Biondo!
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